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Nowadays, many companies need translation and legalization of a Certificate of Good Standing from-to Bulgarian. Such certificate is issued upon request by the Registry Agency or it can be printed online from the website of the institution.
When your company has international partners, the Certificate of Good Standing need to be translated and/or legalized with Apostille, since it is in Bulgarian. This certificate confirms the good standing of your company, in other words – this is to certify that your company is an operating one at the moment of signing of a deal, i.e. it is not in bankruptcy.
A Certificate of Good Standing is translated from-to Bulgarian in a day (24 hours). This is our normal service time. When it is urgent, we can offer you certified translation of such document in an hour.
What should be taken into consideration when translating of a Certificate of Good Standing?
Most important when translating of a Certificate of Good Standing is correct spelling of the company name. In some cases the name is transcribed, while in others - the English manner is taken into consideration.
Foreign Certificates of Good standing are also translated to Bulgarian. In such cases it is very important to specify with the client if the spelling of the company’s name in Bulgarian language is already accepted officially.
In order to limit to zero the technical errors during translation process, we at Prevodi.BG introduced a triple check system carried out by different employees. We believe this is the only way we can offer you a 100% high-quality translation.
The price for translation of a Certificate of Good Standing from/to Bulgarian is 5.50 Euro per page of 1,800 characters with spaces pursuant to the Bulgarian State Standard (BDS), or 250 words (for English, German, French, Spanish, Russian and generally – most of the European languages). The volume usually comes at 1.5 – 2.5 pages (400-600 words), depending on the length of the Company’s business operations scope. In other words – the total price for translation of a Certificate of Good Standing is some 7.50-10.00 Euro for a normal service (24 hours). offers express English-Bulgarian translation of a Certificate of Good Standing in an hour, for 8.30 Euro per page (250 words). If you need a quick certified translation, we can do it at a total price of some 15.00 Euro. For more information, please see our Translation Rates.
Legalization of a Certificate of Good Standing with Apostille (What is a legalization with Apostille?) is required in certain cases. Usually, the legalization is required by most of the state institutions, while when doing business with private companies only a certified translation is sufficient. When participating in a tender, abroad or in Bulgaria (for foreign companies), you are required to translate the company’s Certificate of Good Standing, and also to legalize it. Since there are specific requirements for participation in tender calls, we encourage you to read the Translation of Tender Documentation article).
A Certificate of Good Standing can be legalized provided that it is an original and bears seal and signature of a judge or names and signature of a secretary.
The price for legalization of a Corporate Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Bulgarian authorities is 20.50 Euro for a normal service - 9 days. We also offer a quick service at a price of 29.50 Euro - 7 days, as well as an express service at a price of 40.50 Euro in 5 days.
Prevodi.Bg has 10+ years of translation and legalization of documents from-to Bulgarian. Our company is able to fight bureaucracy for you, thus saving you time and money.
Should you need translation and legalization of a Certificate of Good Standing or other documents, do not hesitate to consult with us, absolutely free of charge!
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